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Showing posts from August, 2013

Grandma's Stuffed Cabbage

I really have no idea where this recipe came from, as we're Italian, and its really not an Italian dish. If you do searches online, you will come up with Hungarian and Polish backgrounds. My grandfather's sister married a man of Hungarian descent. It could have come from there. However, my grandmother used to also work for a Jewish caterer. She made life-long friends with the ladies she served with. One in particular happened to be a Holocaust survivor. I remember as a little girl, the old ladies would gather once a month for lunch. I can remember my grandma brought me once and I noticed that one of the ladies had a tattoo on her forearm. This was so strange to me, because I wasn't real familiar with tattoos, and especially ladies with tattoos. (All of that will change as I get older.) I was so curious about this tattoo and like children do, my eyes became fixated on it. She noticed my curiosity and asked me if I knew what it was. "A tattoo!" I exclaimed, so p...

Saddness takes on a new meaning

This is not a happy post, but it is something that I have to write about. The past few months have been exceptionally rough for me. April 21st, the world lost a wonderful woman. My world lost one of the most important women. My grandmother, the one I have spoken so highly of in my previous posts, passed away from a massive heart attack. She didn't suffer, which is good, but instead, I have been suffering. I have not allowed myself to grieve at all. Its not healthy to not grieve, but for some reason, I guess I just wasn't ready to accept it. This stuff is all taken from my memory, so some things may not be correct. Virginia Ann Culotta was born January 11, 1928. She used to tell me that she and Mickey Mouse were the same age. 1928 was the same year that Walt Disney created his empire. It was a good year. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio and was the youngest of 5 children. Her mother and father were both from St. Agata, Sicily. Her father, Antonino, was in the Sicilian Navy. T...